Politecnico di Milano - 1863

New European Bauhaus 5 Lighthouse Projects

The Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano is the Italian lead partner of the DESIRE – Designing an Irresistible Circular Society proposal, coordinated by Bloxhub (DK) and the winner of one of NEB’s five lighthouse projects.

The project wants to tackle the major challenges faced by societies and cities: climate change, biodiversity loss and resource challenges. Based on three main themes of inclusivity, circularity and reconciling cities with nature, the project will use art, architecture, and design to explore alternative ways of transforming territories across different European cities (DK, NL, SI, IT, LV).In Italy, DESIRE will conduct two pilot projects on the MIND – Milano Innovation District and Cascina Falchera in Turin sites, involving three other Italian partners: PlusValue Italy Srl, Kairos Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali and the Municipality of Turin.

For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_22_2780