ITALY – LAND OF FRAGILE MOBILITIES. Innovative tools for improving accessibility/mobility

Keywords: Regeneration; Inclusion; Accessibility 

Research unit: “Territorial Fragility” research project (link)
Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) 

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Mobility is a necessary condition to take part in society. Ensuring the right to mobility means to implement capabilities of individuals. An ineffective mobility system jeopardizes accessibility levels, contributing to the process of fragilization of a territory. Fragile territories of mobility in Italy are inner areas but also urban centers inaccessible to more fragile groups. To reduce their fragility it is necessary to increase basic accessibility rather than only infrastructure endowment.

Credits: Italian Inner areas, the village of Costa Rodi on the Apennine in the province
of Piacenza, Bruna Vendemmia, 2020

Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research “Departments of Excellence” 2018-2022
Year: 2018 – 2022