FRINGE HERITAGE. Territories, landscapes and architectures of inland areas

Keywords: Regeneration; Inclusion; Accessibility 

Research unit: “Territorial Fragility” research project (link
Politecnico di Milano. Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) 

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Inner areas cover over 60% of Italian territory and include 53% of Italian municipalities. These territories suffer from depopulation, ageing demographics, lack of accessibility, welfare, job opportunities, social inequality and are absent from the government agenda. Their regeneration involves preservation work, rebuilding the lost relationship between community and territory, and reactivating latent potentialities and signs within their material and immaterial cultural identity.

Credits: Abandoned Farm, Casale Monferrato, Catherine Dezio, 2019

Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research “Departments of Excellence” 2018-2022
Year: 2018 – 2022