T-FACTOR. Challenge the waiting time in urban regeneration

Keywords: Urban Regeneration, Transformative Time, Meanwhile Uses

Research unit: Stefano Maffei, Francesca Foglieni, Stefano Maffei, Massimo Bianchini, Laura Cipriani, Francesco Leoni
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, Polifactory, Design Policy Lab

E-mail (referent): stefano.maffei@polimi.it

T-Factor seeks to unlock the transformative potential of temporary use in urban regeneration. It gathers together cities, universities, businesses and grassroots organizations to create new knowledge, tools and approaches to temporary urbanism that can contribute to inclusive and thriving futures in cities. Thanks to advanced and early stage regeneration initiatives in Europe, T-Factor explores the potential for collaboration and creativity in the prototyping of temporary interventions that can inform future urban planning.

T-Factor gathers a diverse world-class consortium studying some of the most advanced and innovative cases of meanwhile use in creative and cultural urban regeneration, in Europe and beyond (T-Factor’s Advanced Cases). It leverages their knowledge and experience into six urban areas in early stages of regeneration (T-Factor’s Pilots), as testbeds for designing and developing new approaches and tools for meanwhile city-making, driven by culture and creative collaboration. The project ambition is to develop an international platform of knowledge co-creation and learning that can turn the ‘meanwhile’ into a strategic field of action for deploying new ways of planning, designing, funding, governing and regulating sustainable and thriving urban regeneration.  The Department of Design, through the Polifactory’s team of researchers, is involved in multiple stages and activities of the project. It collaborated on the analysis of the local context of the MIND area in collaboration with PlusValue, taking part in the local location in charge of running the Milanese pilot. Moreover, it actively participates in the operations of the Transformation Agency, in charge of providing guidance to all the six pilots in undertaking urban regeneration processes through meanwhile initiatives. Within the Agency, the Department of design is leading in particular the prototyping phase of meanwhile uses across the different pilot cities, developing specific tools and organizing a Transformation Camp.

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme – Research & Innovation Action – Grant Agreement n° 868887
Project Duration: Jun 2020 – Jun 2024